EAZ MAG Writer

EAZ MAG Writer - Multi-Schools Trust edition

What is this package?

This online system complements our EAZ MAG Writer – EYFS & Primary Editions in that it enables the user to analyse collective assessment data in real time at a zone / learning community / cluster / family / trust level, individual school level, key stage level, year group level and/or class level. At a strategic level, the user can also quickly filter this data via various groups/factors such as SEN, FSM, Disadvantaged, Pupil Premium, CLA, EAL, etc.

EAZ MAG Writer - Multi-Schools Trust Edition
'One-Click' Cluster/Trust Analysis

Who is it for?

The system is designed to be used by trusts, clusters, learning communities or families of schools wishing to quickly view real time assessment data across their schools as a whole.

How was it developed?

The software was developed by our team under the direction of our Learning Community Headteachers, Deputy Heads Group and AST for Teaching and Learning.

EAZ MAG Writer - Multi-Schools Trust Edition
Complete Pupil History of every child in the Cluster/Multi-Schools Trust

What resources are available?

This system is supplied as an annual on-going subscription service and allows virtually unlimited authorised users to use the system from any compatible device. All software updates are applied automatically and all authorised staff members have direct access to our support team as and when required.

On receipt of order, your unique system and support documentation will be supplied to you electronically for immediate use.

System Requirements
Standard web browser with a reliable Internet connection

What are the training implications?

Although the system is designed to be as user friendly as possible in-house training sessions can be booked in. Members of our support team are available for staff meetings, twilights or other INSET opportunities and each session is tailored to suit the specific requirements of the school.

EAZ MAG Writer - Multi-Schools Trust Edition

Special Introductory Offer

As a special introductory offer to all schools/settings, we are supplying the EAZ MAG Writer - Multi-Schools Trust Edition system with initial setup support at a special discounted price.

Please note that this special offer has now been extended until 31 December 2024.

To find out more about our special offer, please click the below button:

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