EAZ MAG Writer - Assessing without Levels
As we have always done, the EAZ MAG Writer systems will continue to evolve to accommodate the new requirements that are asked of our schools and the teaching staff that work within them.
In an effort to keep abreast of the latest developments for September 2014, we were very grateful to be invited to be part of one of the official DfE pilots that were set up to look at the new curriculum and following on from this involvement, and the latest release of the DfE consultation document, we have already started to undertake the necessary changes to make our systems ready for 2014-15.
Please be assured that our EAZ MAG Writer systems will continue to provide seamless access between the old and the new ways of assessing/tracking and we will strive to provide our schools with a plethora of tools to assist with their day-to-day work with the minimum of fuss.
As more of a point of reference for our schools rather than anything else, having looked through the Government response to Assessment Consultation document, the key points appear to be:
- The existing statutory two-year-old progress check undertaken in early years settings.
- A short reception baseline that will sit within the assessments that teachers make of children during reception.
- Phonics check near the end of year 1.
- A statutory teacher assessment at the end of Key Stage 1 in Maths, Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening and Science.
- A statutory test at the end of Key Stage 1 in Maths, Reading and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (SPAG).
- A statutory teacher assessment at the end of Key Stage 2 in Maths, Reading, Writing and Science.
- A statutory test at the end of Key Stage 2 in Maths, Reading, Writing and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (SPAG).
- SEN/P Scales will stay in its current form.
If you have any further queries regarding our development work, please contact us via the below button:
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