Assessment Health Check

As we reach the end of yet another school year, this September will officially be the 5th year of assessing without levels.

Over this 5 year period you will have taken advantage of the customisable nature of your EAZ MAG Writer system, but we thought this would be a great opportunity for you to reflect on your current EYFS, KS1 and/or KS2 setup and get in touch with us to see if we can help make it better.

To initiate your Assessment Health Check, simply email your interest to us at and we'll try our best to assist.
End of Year Returns

From within your EAZ MAG Writer system, please go to the Support > Tutorials section to obtain our end of year return guides.

As a first port of call, we would suggest downloading and reading our 'End of Year Returns Factsheet', as this guide walks you through the different scenarios that can occur in schools at this time of year.
Visualising Termly Progress

Please have a look at the new and exciting PITA Progress report for KS1-KS2

Not only will this report give you a term by term test score or summative breakdown of how many children were/are on track, it will also allow you to click on the terms so that you can drilldown to see who makes up each percentage.

Top Tip: remember to click on the small cog icon at the top of this report, as it will allow you to filter by classic groups and specify which subjects you wish to analyse.
Keeping Informed
To keep up-to-date with all of the latest EAZ MAG Writer developments, please follow / like our social media pages:

If you love your EAZ MAG Writer system
please remember to shout about it !

Should a new school join us based on your
recommendation we will reward you with a
discount on your next renewal !

We are just an email or phone call away! - 01709 829087