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Transition Matrices
The Transition Matrices report will track pupils from previous Key Stage Data: Y3, 4, 5 & 6 from KS1; Y1 & 2 from ELG. This will detail the number of pupils who were WTS/EXP/GDS or EMG/EXP/EXC for Maths, Reading, Writing and Combined, then showing the % of pupils who are EXP+ and GDS based on that term's summative assessment data. It will also display information for groups disadvantaged, non-disadvantaged, girls, boys, SEND, non-SEND, EAL and non-EAL.
Go to: Reports > KS1 - KS2 Statistics > Transition Matrices > Current Term > Show Report.
EYFS Report updates
You can now look at All, Prime, Specific and GLD areas for Key Facts, Proportional Analysis, Pupil Progress, MAGs & Visual Maps within the EYFS reports section. Within each report, change Type to either of the above options and filter by YG/Term/Class > Show Report.
Below is an example of Key Facts report
Narrowing the Gap
This report will display termly data for the selected YG, for Maths, Reading, Writing, EGPS and combined (M/R/W). Detailing the % of pupils on track to be working at expected standards and greater depth underneath, the gap is calculated for easy analysis.
This is then broken down for disadvantaged, non-disadvantaged, girls, boys, SEND and non-SEND. The subsequent pages are displayed in the same format detailing progress information.
Go to: Reports > KS1/KS2 Statistics > Narrowing the Gaps > Year Group > Current Term > Show Report > Current Term/Baseline
EYFS or Primary Pupil Progress Summary
This report will allow you to specify the expected outcomes of progress for each term.
EYFS : Go to Assessment > EYFS Pupil Progress > Year Group > Terms > Area of Learning > Show assessment
Primary : Go to Assessment > Pupil Progress > Year Group > Terms > Subject > Show assessment
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