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  EAZ MAG Writer  


  We are committed to continually enhancing our EAZ MAG Writer System to ensure
that it caters for the ever changing requirements of our schools.

Please see below for our latest features:
Printing Key Facts & Proportional Analysis reports

Weekly Assessments

Weekly Assessments

You can now print the results of your Key Facts & Proportional Analysis reports


Select the YG/term/class you want to analyse, then select ‘Report Options’ and chose ‘Print Report’.

Once the page has displayed with the dials, chose the subject you want to expand by clicking on the dial.  This will expand with pupil details underneath. Now select the printer icon in the top right hand corner to send this to your printer.

Weekly Assessment for Absent pupils
  Weekly Assessments

You are now able to mark a pupil as ‘absent’ in the weekly assessment section, so that when you export results this doesn’t affect the progress shown, and will also be excluded from weekly average score.

From the ASSESSMENT > WEEKLY ASSESSMENT page, simply enter an 'A' to indicate the pupil as being absent.

Historical Termly Attainment & Attainment/Progress reports

Weekly Assessments

Weekly Assessments

The Termly Attainment & Attainment/Progress reports have been modified to allow you to analyse historical data from previous years.

Go to REPORT > KS1/KS2 STATISTICS > Under ‘Type’ select either TERMLY ATTAINMENT or ATTAINMENT/PROGRESS, select the Year you want to analyse by picking a term for that school year under ‘Term’, then ‘Show Report’

And remember we are just an email or a phone call away: - 01709 829 087