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xmastree EAZ MAG Writer xmastree


As we look forward to spending the festive season with our family & friends, I thought now would be the perfect time to share with you our agenda.

Did you know that Clifton EMAG is a not-for-profit company?  All of our profits go to our sister company, Clifton Learning Partnership, which is a Registered Charity (no 1142675).

The aim of the charity is to ‘Give every child & family the best chance to succeed’

To achieve this the charity focus’ on:

•Addressing community vulnerability and reducing exploitation
•Improving the basic skills of adults to help them access employment opportunities
•Reducing immediate stressor on families by addressing issues of poverty
•Improving basic skills of children & young people, to broaden their ability to have equality of access to educational opportunities

If you would like to know more please get in touch.

Too many reports to choose from?   What's New?

Did you know you can hide unwanted reports?

Once you have found your ‘favourite’ reports, go to settings > menu setup and deselect the reports you do not want to be visible. Remember to hit save!

This will hide the selected pages, you can go back and re-select them at any time.


We are consistently updating and improving EAZMAG, please remember to click on the below icon from your home screen to see what enhancements have recently been made:

xmasbell Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year! xmasbell
Remember we are just an email or a phone call away: - 01709 829 087