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  EAZ MAG Writer  
October 2016 Newsletter

Are you getting the most out of your EAZ MAG Writer system?

We all have our favourite pages, but have you seen:

- Formative Assessment / Summative Assessment / Phonics Assessment
- Book Bandings / Weekley & Termly Test Scores / FFT Estimates
- Target Setting / Parental Access

Please get in touch if you'd like more information on any of the above sections.

  Feature Spotlight  
Target Setting
  Weekly Assessments

Did you know you can set or automatically generate End of Year targets within your EAZ MAG System?

Go to ASSESSMENT > TARGETS. Select the YG & term you want to set targets for and Show Targets. Then hover over the subject headers, right click, and select ‘Autofill’

You then select the relevant options for your autofill, select if you updating one term or all terms, the term in which you want to base the target on, then select if you are updating with descriptor or steps, then the number of increases required to generate the target.

Age-Related Setup
  Weekly Assessments

To set your own Age-Related markers go to SETTINGS > BESPOKE FRAMEWORK SET UP > AGE RELATED MARKERS

Using the slider you can set your expectation for every term and every year group, it can be a singular expectation or a range.

And remember we are just an email or a phone call away: - 01709 829 087