iPad Winners
iPad Winners

Congratulations to King Edwin Primary School, who were the lucky winners of our 2023 questionnaire competition. The school were presented with a latest generation iPad to use in school.

A big thank you to everyone who completed the questionnaire and we’re currently working hard to implement your suggestions. Subscribe to our social media channels to check for more competitions in the future.

The 'Big MAG' is our new overview report that combines attainment and progress for all year groups and factors with just a single click.

With extended options also in development, it may be the only report you need!

Let us know what you think and we may be able to incorporate your suggestions.


If it's crossed your mind to look at using your Management Information System (MIS) for your assessment and tracking, please take a moment to look at what your EAZ MAG system offers over an MIS.

Reporting to parents
Reporting to parents

Several schools have started to create comprehensive and detailed reports to parents in minutes with EAZ MAG's formative assessment capabilities. This has saved lots of time and has improved the wellbeing of teachers significantly.

Check out the video in the link below for more information.

Watch Video
2020 EYFS framework

EYFS framework

Now the 2020 EYFS framework firmly embedded in schools and on the EAZ MAG system, why not think about amending your statements or best fit descriptors?

EAZ MAG is fully customisable, so let us know what would make your system more effective and we’d be only too pleased to help.

Multi-School Trust version

The new 'Multi-School Trust' version not only gives you the ability to analyse your trust/group of schools within one system, but it also provides you with this analysis in real time, so there is no scheduled snapshot or data transfer process to wait for. Simply put, when a class teacher enters an assessment on their system you instantly see it on yours!

If you would like to receive further details on this new version please email us at

If you love your EAZ MAG Writer system
please remember to shout about it !

Should a new school join us based on your
recommendation we will reward you with a
discount on your next renewal !

We are just an email or phone call away! - 01709 829087